Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Information on H1N1 Vaccination

See information in the webpage of the Pandemic Preparedness of UofT:

Asianadian: an Asian Canadian Magazine

Asianadian began publication in the late 1970s and was the first magazine of its time to deal with the social, racial, and cultural issues of Asian Canadians.

According to the magazine blog, publication of the magazine is currently "financially unstable". Contents of some of its back issues are accessible through an Asianadian website affiliated with the University of Washington.

The Asianadian Blog:
The Asiandian Website:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

New York Times: In Chinatown, Sound of the Future Is Mandarin

An article, "In Chinatown, Sound of the Future Is Mandarin", published in Oct. 22, 2009's New York Times reports and analyzes the eclipse of Cantonese and the rise of Mandarin as the major language used in America's Chinatowns.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

New Resource: 19th Century British Pamphlets

Historical pamphlets are important, but hard-to-find primary sources that shed light on the key political, social, and environmental issues of the period when they were produced.

The JStor collection brings together over 20,000 pamphlets from seven U.K. insitutions, and is of great research value to scholars and students who study the socio-political and economic landscape of the 19th-century Britain. Of course, because of the interwovenness of the relationship between Britain and East Asia (esp. China) during the 19th century, the collection offers rich historical information on topics such as the Opium War, trade issues between Asia and Britain, and so on. Below is a selected list of pamphlets devoted to issues surrounding China, which is used just to showcase the collection's relevance to EAS:

Title:Considerations on the danger of laying open the trade with India and China: including an examination of the objections commonly urged against the East India Company's commercial and financial management.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1812)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:

Title:Sketch of a voyage to the India and China seas, including Japan and the Pacific islands, for the purposes of commerce,-improvement,-and discovery,-combined
Author(s):Buckingham, James Silk
Source:Wilson Anti-Slavery Collection,(1830)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:

Title:Chinese monopoly examined.
Author(s):Crawfurd, John
Source:Hume Tracts,(1830)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:Observations on the influence of the East India Company's monopoly on the price and supply of tea, and on the commerce with India, China, etc.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1831)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:A Letter to Lord Althorp, on the China trade: occasioned by an article in the "Edinburgh Review," No. CIV.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1833)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:Lecture on the nature and structure of the Chinese language, delivered at University College
Author(s):Kidd, Samuel
Source:Hume Tracts,(1838)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:Opium crisis: a letter addressed to Charles Elliot, Esq., chief superintendent of the British trade with China
Author(s):American merchant
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1839)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:

Title:Opium: the opium trade with China, its effects, etc.
Source:LSE Selected Pamphlets,(1839)
Contributor(s): LSE Library
Stable URL:

Title:British opium trade with China.
Source:Hume Tracts,(1839)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:A voice for China: which must be heard, demonstrating that the war with China arises out of our British national opium smuggling, and protesting against such war or reprisals, as bringing upon this nation the guilt and punishment of robbery, piracy, and murder! ;to my countrymen, the Government and my Church
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:

Title:Corrected report of the speech of Sir George Staunton, on Lord Ashley's motion on the China trade, in the House of Commons, April 7, 1840: with an appendix, containing resolutions on the China trade, moved in the House of Commons, June 13, 1833.
Author(s):Staunton, George Thomas
Source:Hume Tracts,(1840)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:A digest of the despatches on China (including those received on the 27th of March): with a connecting narrative and comments.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:

Title:The Rupture with China, and its causes, including the opium question, and other important details: in a letter to Lord Viscount Palmerston
Author(s):A Resident in China
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1840)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:

Title:Report on the progress of the culture of the China tea plant in the Himalayas: from 1835 to 1847
Author(s):Royle, J. Forbes (John Forbes)
Source:Hume Tracts,(1849)
Contributor(s): UCL Library Services
Stable URL:

Title:Our policy in China, or, A glance at the past, present, and future of China in its foreign relations and commerce.
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1858)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:

Title:The new quarrel in China: a statement drawn from the official documents.
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1859)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:

Title:The Taeping Rebellion in China: its origin, progress, and present condition, in a series of letters ... ; with an appendix
Author(s):Sykes, William Henry
Source:Knowsley Pamphlet Collection,(1863)
Contributor(s): University of Liverpool
Stable URL:

Title:Our interests in China: a letter to the Right Hon. Earl Russell, K.G.
Author(s):Lay, Horatio N.
Source:Bristol Selected Pamphlets,(1864)
Contributor(s): University of Bristol Library
Stable URL:

Title:The population and revenue of China
Author(s):Parker, Edward Harper
Source:Foreign and Commonwealth Office Collection,(1897)
Contributor(s): The University of Manchester, The John Rylands University Library
Stable URL:


How to search the pamphlet collection in JStor:
  • Go to JStor "Advanced Search"
  • Type your search words in the box. You can limit the search in specific fields such as "fullt-text", "item title", "abstract", etc.
  • Click the check box of "Pamphlet" to limit your search to this particular type of materials.
Please contact EAL librarians if you have any questions about the resource.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

New Database: Foreign Office Files for China -- 1949~1976

The University of Toronto Libraries has recently acquired "Foreign Office Files for China: 1949-1976", a primary source database that makes available the complete British Foreign Office Files dealing with China, Hong Kong and Taiwan during 1949 and 1976.

The time coverage (1949-1976) is an immensely critical period in modern Chinese history: 1949 marked the founding of the PRC, and in 1976, Mao Zedong passed away. During the time, Britain was one of the few countries that recognized the Communist China, thus the British Foreign Office Files about China are valuable sources for scholars studying post-1949 China.

The Foreign Office’s reporting includes 3 sections with contents covering:
  • Eye-witness accounts and detailed reports on life in China, 1949-1976.
  • In depth analysis of the Communist Revolution and all the major figures.
  • Material on the Korean War, the Cold War, US relations and the Cultural Revolution.

The database currently makes available files in Section I (1949-1956). Section II and III are scheduled to be released in 2010 and 2011.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Beking University Library Launches Tsung Dao Lee Digital Library (李政道数字图书馆)

Beiking University Library is in the process of digitizing the works by Prof. Li Zhengdao (also known as Prof. Tsung Dao Lee, 李政道), one of the two Nobel prize winners in physics in 1957.

The project is aimed at digitizing all the works by Prof. Li and making them available online in the Tsung Dao Lee Digital Library (李政道数字图书馆). While still under construction, the digital library already includes considerable information by or about Prof. Li and is now open to the pulic. Below is a list of contents already available, and the library's contents will be further extended in future to include more photoes and articles of Prof. Li:

1 Selected Papers Vol.1,844页
2 Selected Papers Vol.2,589页
3 Selected Papers Vol.3,597页
4 Selected Papers Vol.4,848页 
5 李政道科学论文选(上册),1169页
6 李政道科学论文选(下册),1208页
7 粒子物理和场论,691页
8 Particle Physics and Introduction to Field Theory,879页
9 统计力学,202页
10 对称,不对称和粒子世界,91页
11 Symmetries, Asymmetries, and the world of Particles,90页
12 李政道文录,233页13 李政道文选(科学和人文),432页
14 物理的挑战,68页
15 科学与艺术,161页
16 李政道随笔画选,255页
17 Thirty Years Since Parity Nonconservation,197页
18 宇称不守恒发现之争论解谜(简体版),271页
19 宇称不守恒发现之争论解谜(繁体版),286页
20 宇称不守恒思想突破的产生,273页

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Publications of the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore

The East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore takes it as its mission to "promote academic and policy-oriented research on contemporary China and other East Asian economies".

Its 'Publications' page makes available interesting information on working papers and background briefs related to some of the "hottest" topics about China and the East Asian region.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Network for Chinese Scholars

The Cheng Yu Tung East Asian Library wants to call your attention to Anianet( ), a newly launched website aimed at bringing Chinese and western scholars closer together.

Anianet was launched only a few weeks ago, but has already attracted about 3,000 Chinese scholars to sign up and create free profiles detailing their research interest and academic accomplishments. Members can post online their research papers, reports, and other files, and all the information is open and free.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector

A Germany-based NGO, Transparency International (TI), has released its latest annual report on fighting corruption entitled "Global Corruption Report 2009: Corruption and the Private Sector". It studies in unique detail "the many corruption risks for business, ranging from small entrepreneurs in Sub-Saharan Africa to multinationals from Europe and North America".

As about the report's relation to East Asian Studies, there is chapter discussing corporate integrity in China and is complemented by in-depth country reports, including those on China, Japan and South Korea.